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Blog 24

 Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Belief and Desire in Recovery

July 2009 

The two single most important tools I have used in recovering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) have been the belief that recovery is possible and the desire for that recovery.  It has been this belief and desire that has allowed me to put forth tremendous effort in different potential paths to recovery.  In my past I have survived and recovered from occurrences that it was extremely unlikely that I would have.   There I was a testament that recovery was possible.   If I could have survived until the arrival of MCS, I knew that I could recover from that as well.


I remembered what life was like before MCS.  I never forgot the clarity of mind and the strength of body.  Each day with MCS was a reminder that life was not what I wanted it to be.  I wanted to again feel what it was like to live in vibrant health.  Even though there were times I felt bogged down and times I felt discouraged I never gave up the hope that life could again be what I once remembered.


It was not always a steady march forward toward some bright future like in an old Soviet propaganda poster.  It was much more two step forwards one step back, peaks of tremendous success and valleys to slide back down into.  Despite this messy ebb and flow, I never forgot my goal of returning to health.  I’ll admit that I was assisted in keeping my eyes on the goal of recovery by the unrelenting discomfort MSC caused in my moment to moment existence for the first many years.  I was driven forward by the carrot of recovery and the stick of immediate pain. 


One of the most influential books I have read in my recovery from MCS has been, “2150 AD” by Thea Plym Alexander.  One idea that the book puts forth is that anything is possible with sufficient Belief and Desire.  To achieve recovery I must believe recovery is possible.  I if don’t believe it then there is no point in trying.  Belief is why we do anything.  I go to work each day because I believe I will be financially rewarded for my time and effort.  If I did not believe that I would receive a paycheck at the agreed upon time in an agreed upon amount I would find a different job.  Belief is why we do a thing but desire is why we keep doing it.  To again use the analogy of the job, I keep going to work because I continue desiring that pay check.  If I found a sufficient source of income elsewhere I would no longer keep going to work because I would no longer desire the financial reward associated with my job. If we have sufficient belief that recovery from MSC is possible and sufficient desire to recover then we can not help but to take the action needed to experience improvement in our health.